Fermented fish autolysate and Marine Magnesium

Clavis Harmoniae is a supplement whose active ingredients are Fermented fish autolysate and Marine Magnesium. Find out about Fermented fish autolysate and why we use it with Magnesium.


By coming to the aid of our nervous system, Clavis Harmoniae (literally “the key to harmony”) gives our whole being a shot in the arm. This helps us to deal better with stimuli and the symptoms of stress (tiredness, difficulty in concentrating, anxiety and fatigue), to improve the way we handle tension, and to reduce the physical and mental strain involved in adapting to new situations.

Articles and Studies


If you have any queries about whether Clavis Harmoniae is the right product for you, why not contact us through the forum, for a detailed personal reply to all your questions.

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 Other products from Clavis:
Key Melatonin:www.keymelatonin.com
Key Algae:www.keyalgae.com
Clavis Vegetable Chitosan:www.vegetablechitosan.com